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tv   Interviews Culture Art Documentaries and Sports  RT  February 28, 2014 1:00am-4:01am EST

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dozens of. crimea looking for troops from. a local leaders a. group claiming. appointing new russian authorities in their place. in the ukrainian capital spreads as right wing radicals. refuse to do and use to get their way. in detention. police custody family saying that he was tortured. in the. europe who are struggling without a home. open.
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headlines for the. international with me rule research thank you for joining us an airport scare in southern ukraine's republic of crimea where dozens of men suddenly emerged during the night they say they were looking for troops arriving from kiev as many of them in the embattled region rally against the up evil the deposed president. now emotions are running high with crimea even considering breaking away . office following develop. it all happened quite suddenly in the middle of the night a group of armed unidentified men entered the airport here in the crimean capital didn't make any threats or demands searched the airport and then the left as quickly and suddenly as initially arrived and reportedly they were looking for
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troops who they thought had been sent here from kiev they didn't find anyone and the left not clear who exactly these people are they were carrying russian flags and presumably they could be among the so-called self-defense squad along with the same pro russian activists who the previous night got into the local problem of here and raised the russian flag on its roof however they did allow the deputies inside and they were able to work properly throughout the day freeing the prime minister of the republic from his duties dispersing the government appointing a new prime minister who's known for his pro russian views and setting a date for a referendum here in the autonomous republic to decide whether or not the crimea should stay with the ukraine or move away from kiev now at the same time the new authorities in kiev have been saying that here local authorities in the crimea have no legal rights to hold any type of independent referendums under the new laws that they've just passed recently but ironically the date of the referendum that the
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crimean want to hold is the same day when the authorities in kiev are planning to hold the nationwide presidential election so the gap between the east and the west train is clearly increasing now and many are saying that some of the new laws passed by the new authorities in kiev are not making the situation any better. they met in the grammy and are now building a family here and on his mother is ukrainian but all the relatives on his father's side are from russia once they see is an ethnic russian for she claims to have left one of her native language became oppressed and what it does now she is of the more languages you speak to the more you can learn and comprehend i want my child to be able to learn all of them without any restrictions but the new authorities in kiev were of a nationalist presence among them seem to disagree one of the first things they did after storming to power was cancelled russian as the second official language in
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regions where ethnic russians make up the majority causing confusion even among local civil servants but. most of the people who come here are russian speakers some don't even understand ukrainian not to mention legal terms how can they read and understand documents surveys indicate that an absolute majority of grimy and speak russian as their main language but many are now practically forced to be taught in schools attend court or even get medical prescriptions in ukrainian. speaks in russian what should the doc to do given that prescription and ukrainian not only won't these laws work they're lonely aggravate the situation. aggravation which is far to the north here in the crimea for the past few days now pro russian activists have been gathering in the center of the crimean capital protesting against the new authorities in kiev and their policies and saying they are ready to protect their national identity everything that is seen as russian in any way is
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under assault so just by virtue of the need for self defense one can see why crimea and other parts of eastern ukraine are moving ever closer to moscow. to hold a nationwide early presidential election in lead me grain of glories of now decided to hold a different vote on the scene be a referendum on the republic separating from ukraine altogether you group is going to premiere. in the meantime in ukraine's capital the new cabinet has been sworn in let's bring up some of the faces and names for you here on the program first of all the deputy prime minister also happens to be the second in command of the ultra rights for border party notorious for rhetoric that includes nazi like xenophobia slogans also from the border is the new ecology minister he's known for promoting open access to firearms but not known for having any expertise in a college now the new national security secretary actually the founder of the ultra right party he also took part in the orange revolution in ukraine
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a decade ago of the education minister has in the past promoted academic censorship and is also a member of another far right party and while the new anti corruption bureau chief was a supporter of the radical right national defense of ukraine party and then the interior minister spent some time on interpol's wanted list and was briefly detained in italy in two thousand and twelve accused of stealing half a million dollars worth of state land. and as the new authorities settle in what had been a revolutionary enthusiasm on the streets is turning into anxiety radicals who got their hands on firearms during the uprising have appointed themselves in control and are dispensing their own brand of enforcement as a really good reports. this was supposed to be a step towards a brighter future yeah but now it's heading in a different direction yet no one tells us when to bear arms and when not to you
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didn't give them to us and you won't take them away you want to take my gun what you want to take away my rifle to bring to the what you want to take away my night you come here and take it very same man who happens to be one of the leaders of the group that no one has the right sector to be seen someone to take his words with action with up to the. yes. yes. yes the. door yes sir yes sir who is your employer junior. i was told that they were doing things with. other after they give me any just where you don't know me and ago if you would just so you took a man to pray give each for the week that gave it to. you. right secretary of the militants are no good my don has taken over two floors in kiev's central hotel artie's crew caught them breaking in to knock you by the room you heard your
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attention don't create problems for yourself we know your inside their guitar with your arms in the air this is a simple check of identification we will get inside one way or the other don't be afraid and this in the town of iran from court sc the tree draped with hanging nooses and to sign that reads traitors of ukraine this is not specified who the traders are in today's ukraine many can fit the bill former officials police russians jews anyone associated with the former ruling party of the regions instilling fear is now a tactic for those who claimed to be peacefully demonstrating to do critical forums in a goes on to. and ukraine's embattled president is now reportedly in southern russia local media in the city of austin on dawn saying his plane landed there flanked by fighter jets earlier the ousted leader gave a statement and is reportedly planning a news conference later on friday morning off marty's aleksey at
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a chef. the unocal which saga has largely resembled a hollywood thriller something along the lines of catch me if you can he fled the ukrainian capital five days ago after a huge outbreak of violence here ever since his his whereabouts have been unknown some have been speculating that he is still in ukraine and the new ukrainian power in kiev were quick to brand him as a criminal to slap a wanted tag on him and to declare him as a fugitive but apparently young a call which may be resurfacing in russia here first of all he published a statement handing it over to several russian use agencies saying that he was still the legitimate president of ukraine elected in a constitutional manner every decision made in the key of parliament in kiev according to an accord which was illegitimate and he was willing to fight until the very end to bring the constitutional order back to the country at the same time he said that he and his competitors have been receiving death threats from people he
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described as extremists and that's why he asked russia to provide protection for himself some rumors and those are sources not yet confirmed by any official in russia have reported that in fact the russian government granted this protection for unocal which but now the latest news is that one of the officials close to the ousted ukrainian president said that the other which will hold a press conference in the south and a russian stuff on dawn on friday at about five o'clock local time certainly a lot will be clear if this press conference takes place and which would probably clarify what his next steps will be. in the meantime nato. military drills being staged by russia of the alliance concerned maneuvers may be sending the wrong message if ukraine crumbling on russia's doorstep. has been following all the reaction. headlines have been brutal you've been watching it all
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absolutely you know rory if you've been watching t.v. at home the news reading the paper it's all becoming quite a lot in fact you might be feeling a little bit anxious at this point in time after all they all just look like headlines right now but really russia is flexing its military muscles and these headlines going around saying putin orders military readiness the u.s. wants russia not to intervene and to someone out there out of the loop it all sounds like the plot of a bad world war three movie what's worse it's not just the ad revenue hungry news outlets peddling their way through this western defense ministers and even major getting involved in all of this mess now the alliance says that russia is holding military as the size now it's provocative you know it's irresponsible and according to some of its members even a little bit dangerous now it's a series of charges but you know by any measure except one that major and its members don't take very seriously when it comes to their war games are in fact
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nature drills often appeared to be as much a political message as a matter of readiness and you certainly don't have to look too far out to beg for examples like take a look at this map that we have here of the persian gulf that's the u.s. military ships there you go that's the u.s. we know that forty one countries so far in the last couple of since may twenty thirty the u.s. has had them involved in that now the u.s. also launched and all the groceries and all drills in one that by you know pure coincidence says that washington simulated or they say that washington washington is saying that they've captured an island it's all getting really messy out here and let's not forget the u.s. . nuclear bombers are flying through space all across the persian islands next to the chinese the pacific ocean. you know if you look at that it's drills it's all part of what they do on a regular basis but now everybody's twisting and turning all of this some are saying walk you know they call it war some are saying is responsible so it's all
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you know it's all rhetoric at this point you have the south involved you have nato involved the american volved russians involved so all these examples are just a few of the really what is going on in terms of the part of the days people might be thinking this is a lot to handle so if you're reading a newspaper and watching the news or thinking is the world coming to an end right now well much military talk i can't even i can't even keep up with them you know the russian the russian ministry of internal affairs the drills going on right now well actually a continuation of the drills exactly one year ago absolutely but of course it's a great excuse a great excuse for other countries in the world to get their media put in their little to go to world war three i don't know where you are right now and we all know when we all know when where and when a country's interests to come out a potential threat it's actually very normal for any country to dispatch drills i mean it's normal for the u.s. they do that all the time and no one ever cries out there's war happening it's a normal military drill it happens you know come countries have them all the time
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it's just the way the rhetoric that's going back and forth you know that's kind of making it a little bit tense is it necessary to have all that tension well we'll have to see . thanks very much for that thank you. well russia's military drills were preplanned as i just said and have nothing to do with the events in ukraine but that's also according to the foreign minister sergei lavrov that's what he told his american counterpart john kerry the two were discussing possible solutions to ukraine's crisis in a telephone call and both stressed the need for calm. rhino broner from germany's no to nato movement he says the alliance sees the turmoil in ukraine as an opportunity to expand and that will only result in more destruction as it has in the past you know for me the main point is nato want to enlarge to a crane and i think this is they gave the political social and historical interest
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like russia like and on the stand a lot of the national reaction but on the other side in such a dangerous situation looking to the history of the end of the nineteenth and looking for the war and jobs you know when no one comes and we engage when we need is really just going to. get a full briefing on the unfolding crisis in ukraine from how it started to how it might and we've got a dedicated online team gathering information as it comes to life available for you twenty four seventh's right now with dot com. i know the rest of the world's top headlines coming your way off to a very short break on audience and. told you my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read the reports for. the no i will leave the state department comment on your.
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secure yeah it's on the docket no. thank you no more weasel. when you need a direct question be prepared for a change when you. be ready for a. freedom of speech. down the street into chaos. drama. stories others. say this is changing. picture. from around the globe. to.
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national life from moscow if you're just joining us welcome to the program officially there are more than four million homeless people across the european union now there are houses they could live in but it reports many of the vacant properties that could accommodate them often investment shells for society's richest. the guardian investigation has revealed that there are eleven million empty homes across europe enough to house the e.u.'s homeless more than twice over in some cases these are houses that have been purchased or inherited where owners simply don't have the funds to fix them back up but often the more valuable london properties have been bought by investors wishing to park their money in a safe place it's house banking this is property banking all they've done is said
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let's buy a huge house in mayfair for a multi millions of pounds because whatever happens whether the market goes up or down or round whatever in time it's going to hold its value and will probably increase people might say well it's my right to do what i like that with the rights come responsibilities there's a dire shortage of affordable housing across the u.k. and europe experts say that even on blocking the empties worth millions of pounds would through a ripple effect make more available further down the housing ladder macdonald is editor of inside housing magazine which is aimed at landlords of social housing so that from the the point of view of our readers and so hosing the exists to provide properties for people who are among the poorest and most vulnerable in u.k. society of course they frustration then when they see congress those empty homes across the u.k. is. obviously being used to host some of these individuals to help ease the
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shortage of affordable quality asian across the country it's a picture that's repeated across the continent two million empty in both france and italy one point eight million in germany but the west offender is space in with more than three point four million homes lying vacant. back in london mayor boris johnson is now urging local councils to impose an extra one hundred fifty percent tax on houses that haven't been lived in or rented out in over two years but critics say that's not enough of a disincentive boarded up homes have become a familiar sight and they're even changing the face of london's swank yes neighborhoods there are four empty homes for every single homeless family in this country across europe that's about two houses for everyone i mean it's family personally i do think it's a scramble this should be a residential area but at night time it's solaces demoralizing is nobody here is
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dying and dark and these properties deserve to be lived in. london and the director of a group that fights for the rights of europe's homeless told us that governments must be more proactive in making shelter available. of course it's not that easy to just put the four million homeless people in the european union in half of the eleven million empty flats often we hear lots from governments from local authorities that they cannot solve the homeless problem because of lack of housing options i think that's a little bit of a false uncertainties different kinds of empty property this empty property that is empty because of for reasons of speculation i think the government can maybe think of levy sort increasingly to. to keep the folks at the empty that is emptiness because empty property because small landlords. have property that is not up to standards and then they'll have the money or the energy to put it up to standard to put it on the market maybe the government can provide some subsidies.
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to help them doing that so that is quite a number of possibilities so guess who's got their hands on some source screen shots over the computer uses not britain's p.c. h.q. that's who it's been intercepting web cam images from millions of yahoo customers including some pretty private serial stories coming up in just a moment. also israel's organized crime thrives as police find their hands are tied in trying to battle it you stay with us for those details. on the program police have quashed yet another antigovernment protest this time of accusations that a detainee was tortured to death the twenty three year old man at the center of the rally died in custody while being held on suspicion of smuggling weapons campaigners claim he was refused a vital medical treatment something or thought he's deny i want to form
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a person described to us what it's like serving time. according to what we heard from so many different victims that those people when ever they get arrested they will be subject to the q shin they will be blindfolded for days they will be put in cold ones they wouldn't they would face. every kind of torture that no one could imagine me as a victim of tortured and beheading in which i served my time there i know what it means to be in the earth and i don't know what he would ask for medical care so. he will be leaving you and to your last breath and then when once you are taken to the hospital it doesn't mean that you will get the treatment now it's been three more than three years i should say since anti-government protests began in bahrain with human rights reform at the heart of demands in that time more than one hundred
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people are being killed the activists are accusing the government of waging a broad lentulus crackdown authours insisting they have already made enough concessions international human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the country's record on liberty. now if you thought that evening video chats with your loved ones was really private you better think again of britain's g c h q has been exposed for collecting web cam images from almost two million clients of internet giant yahoo including a raft of sexually explicit content in fact up to eleven percent of the pictures harvested could be considered x. rated the optic nerve program was an experiment in automated facial recognition and was aimed at not just existing targets but it everyone investigative journalist tony gosling believes juicy h.q. may just as well make itself right at home in the middle of your living room. well this is got nothing to do with counterterrorism has it because this is just yet
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another great day to trawl but there are very good reasons why this the people who have committed this actually should be or are criminals i'm talking about those that have authorized the government level and. the individual operators who are collecting this data we've heard about spyware being put on viruses being put on our computers our computers being stopped on the way to our homes to have spy wear this kind of thing put on it we've also had denial of service attacks but this is actually the most creepy so far i think getting into these web cams it's like an intruder in your living room and it's not just happening to people who are counterterrorism it's this is everybody there of the year two million users america is being around on by your first deadly drone strikes on pakistan and afghanistan the e.u. parliament passed a resolution condemning the use of such unmanned aircraft a former pentagon official michael maloof things it will do little to put the u.s. off from using its favorite weapon of choice the resolution i think reflects the
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will of a lot of lot of folks around the world on the use of drones because of so many innocent people have been killed the reality is that drone strikes are going to continue the really the use of drones is really going to be the new six generation type of warfare that the united states instigated initiated and and we're seeing other countries quickly adapt to. adapt in that process and i don't think it's going to diminish at all i think it's going to require being much more selective in the use of drones and and where they can be used. and quickly to some other global headlines for you at least fifteen people reportedly injured as national guard officers deployed tear gas dispersing protesters in venezuela hundreds of students marched through caracas demanding an end to excessive force and the release of anti-government demonstrators jailed in recent weeks thousands of pro-government
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supporters also rallied in the city celebrating a new holiday in the honor of the late president hugo chavez. workers have staged fresh protests in the capital cyprus of a government plans to privatized state owned utilities about two hundred police officers have been deployed to iraq barricades outside the parliament and low makers of scots in selling electricity and telecoms firms to raise one point four billion euros to fund the e.u.'s bailout program. well thanks very much for joining us here on r.t. international after a very short break stories from downtown los angeles people sinking into addiction and mental illness as struggling for ways to survive.
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transit route to vnukovo report your best way to the heart of mosco. minnesota vikings football player jared allen like many pro athlete stereotypes is actually doing something for society with this n.f.l. fame and fortune he is providing homes for turning wounded u.s. veterans good job mr allen generally for some reason wealthy people don't do much to help other people besides giving money to charity to get some sort of tax break kickback the thing they don't realize that helping other people out is actually in the best interest of rich guys too if they would ever just stop to think about it a little more so mega wealthy that you could live in total isolation you're going
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to have to deal with the rest of the people in your country and the better off that average guy is the less likely he's going to need to steal from you to get by ellen's work is fantastic because it gets veterans out of a desperate situation returning home wounded trying to struggle to find work in a bad economy and treat their wounds in a massively over expensive medical system here ellis point is a drop in the bucket for the over twenty million american servicemen who have come back home but it shows that a wounded veteran with a place to live as a much better chance at a good life and the fewer vets are living under a bridge the better society will be but that's just my opinion. right to see. first. strike. and i think you're. live. on a reporter's letter. and. libby
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and the list live. skid row is a neighborhood of fifty plaques which does not appear on any map of los angeles. do you mean.
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do you. still rule based me. and that's still. this is good in big question things here that you've been experiencing shit that there is just no way i mean there's no movie there's no book there's this is a real life experience i've seen people get beat up every night people get robbed people to step aside and i've seen people get hit by a car you don't pay b.o.'s you don't know if you don't pay a car noticed you have no responsibilities we're not here because where homeless
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just less of a home baby my reality was that i was there you know skid row is the last house on the block at g.o.p. but just in my neighborhood you know i. basically almost slept on every street down here at one time or another i think i would never ever live in a way else you know skid row is my home. as many as eleven thousand men and women make their home in l.a. scattered around. about two thirds struggle with mental illness track addiction or both but it wasn't always this way. i came to skid row it was more like skid row's we identified only drunks only drunks on the street. it used to look terrible he told prison garnishes drunks. and when it was really safe because they were not very aggressive now we have young strong crack addicts
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who are many times are willing to take a chance of rolling stone to get their money to get some more crack it's a different addition. there's always been efforts to get rid of skid row it was a warning for people who are unable to live in the world and they were given the tried to move again and again but just moved into a different area when big money developers began to revitalize downtown the flop houses got new neighbors and penned houses and high end lofts. there are not many places where the gap between rich and poor is a striking as it is here. literally there is just a block or tear separating those two things and i'm cruising where there's nothing so cruel as to fight so it's tough for to enjoy going over to it i'm scared rural just like the newark through my still to back you were to drop it people didn't come down to see into downtown just swell the air when it's real you know all this
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is dirt fields and burn barrels and they will cut your throat down to your people become past main street you to dismiss call the pit spec down. the people are told the difference and also hold generation. just seem potential real estate through ever ground for it's clear that people are interested in not much interest on the people who are on the ground everyone who lands on skid row has a story to to. well about how they got there for many it's the last time after losing everything for some to follow says specially term magic my life you know prior to coming to skate row was. in some ways like most people in other ways it was a little bit different you know i am i was born in compton grew up there with five brothers and sisters lost my dad when i was three my mom when i was fourteen at that point i moved out to california and i was an athlete in high school by
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a decent student and started smoking weed you know in high school at the age of fourteen after my mom passed away yet and still you know i was good enough athletically to earn a full scholarship to university of iowa state university where i was a national champion in track and field and also was able to go and qualify for the olympic games in eighty four where i actually competed and want to soak the medal so that at eighteen years old you know obviously going into the olympics a year out of high school was very exciting i had a lot of emotion going on. you know one nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with the drugs they ended up you know getting involved with cocaine freebasing cocaine and that was the beginning of a twenty year journey for me as an addict i had lost everything i had lost my shoe contract i had lost my house i had lost all the financial means that i had was
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really on the street. sleeping on the street for the first time and actually laying down on the sidewalk you know and trying to close your eyes and next to go to sleep when you're outdoors those are the things as an addict that most people don't really talk about so the first time i came down to skid row i was pretty much our five. i was amazed at the number of english were down here i was amazed at where some of the people had come from. the midnight mission first opened its doors and nine hundred fourteen cents and thousands have passed through its drug and alcohol treatment program. two hundred forty four men occupy this space here at the mission and we're going to go and see where i got my humble beginnings in recovery this is the residence when you first come in to the midnight mission everyone that comes in. this dormitory first.
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so this was my big c three up and you can see this in the this is just the way it was when i when i got here i did a lot of soul searching in this period right here i had to make up my mind whether or not i was going to try to stay sober what the program was for me what i was really doing here you know at forty one years old what are you going to do i mean at that point for me it was either you go forward you know what the other lifestyle or you try to pull back and do something different. any time you you fall from grace or you fall from some lofty heights if you want to use that word. it's humbling. the area has always attracted outsiders. some stay for a. while others never. know melber
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olsen but everybody calls me bam bam i'm a punky ex new yorker my story starts way back when i was a kid unfortunately. in nursery school would be my teacher would share i was thrown out of every school with a want to have been seen elucidating and hearing voices ever since i was a kid i guess i'm one of those cases where i'm bipolar schizoaffective i have anti-social personality disorder p t h d i have intimate rage just sort of i have a major nightmare disorder i also have a gender identity disorder where i'm taking hormones for a transgender issue for sexual reassignment to get my her way down the color of their good spot to someone of first era when it's give. them crack up and it weed man the next black i came down here following. two years ago that's how i'm going to be two years for me so i spent a good two years down. the job they got ever do again and they're commit suicide next time you're asked to be in it so now. the horrible and everything's over the
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place makes you you know makes you want to do something with your life size doing this because this is really rough to do this and i went to the service i got from out of the service for bad conduct one thing is really stinks the fact it doesn't rain here it doesn't wash the urine in the pool the way it's a smell just gets worse and worse i beat up my mother and my sister and i took my kid and by losing my kid and everything else i really really really smart and i was where i first became homeless because i couldn't rationally. deal with where my life had gone i've been electrician for all these years are always. back in the mid seventy's through the mid eighty's we didn't call them homeless back then we were emptying our mental hospitals by basically saying now we have the help you and you can also get on disability so go forth and take care of yourself
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the predominant population on the row at that time and continues to date are the homeless mentally ill obviously many of them are also involved with addiction and sometimes you can't figure out which came first and that doesn't even matter the fact is they've got melanoma serious mental illness because the institutions don't exist anymore breaking close down all of those places and they took all the mental people and they gave it to society and then where do we go you either get committed and get locked in and smoke a cigarette three times a day and when they tell you or you sit on the street you become homeless and you can at least have your own life to some point. in many ways it's an open asylum for the mentally ill we don't have closed asylums anymore except for our jails in our prisons l.a. county twin towers jail is the largest mental institute. in the united states.
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because we no longer hospital wards are mentally ill so we criminalize them because of their behavior on the streets people were really questioning me like how can you open a place just for people who are crazy isn't that really stigmatized. and i said no i think we're going to be just a. drop in center we're going to have the best food we're going to feel like a family we're going to just make it a place people want to come to. so that people had a place to stay at night. like to sound too we had a hundred employees half of them were members we also set up. i came in contact with some of the most beautiful people that one could ever know
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we're. a family. you know we cook together we eat together we play carsley gather we sing together karaoke i . deal with all types of people. first city and never in my life anyplace i mean all types of people all types when i decided to come down and. i saw people just like me depression was one of my biggest see. i've been cooking is out seven years ago i love that our was. i do it in a way every taboo that i have. where there are two little girl in and out around the city nurses. my body. i know my. no my body i had my breast. cancer
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so i'm trying to be strong and i'm trying to be you know you know. what i have right now what i'm doing right now is loving myself. or taking care of my business no matter how much pain i'm me and i got to do it. revolution impending economic collapse and separatism these are only a few words to describe ukraine today the western backed. the country into chaos can any good be expected from a so-called national unity government appointed by a mob. did you know the price is the only industry specifically mention in the
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constitution and. that's because a free and open process is critical to our democracy albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and i was crushed cynical we've been hijacked why handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one still just my job market and on this show we reveal the big picture of what's actually going on in the world we go beyond identifying the problem trying to fix rational debate and a real discussion critical issues facing america to find them a job ready to join the movement then walk a little bit of. the interview.
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feel good. to meet speak your language. programs and documentaries in arabic it's all here on the t.v. reporting from the world talks about six of v.i.p.'s interviews intriguing stories to tell you. they. visit. those homes for.
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sure. very good home. very good home. street be. very wise to life from people. who. bitterness where you. are not.
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a trailer house over here in san pedro my father was in the service in world war two then i was raised in new mexico where my grandmother was born. so rich and powerful plan a new mexico it put four years all together in arkansas and i put the last twenty years in hail but. i had my first cats when i was three years old leaving i been feeding these for over five years now i had to pay for fifty a month or kept it i couldn't get to cheap get food cheap or get it i had to pay two and three and four dollars a night for stuff from containers and a body like eight dollars for just a few those. thing that struck me worst when i saw the skid row was there was no clean fresh water for the birds and kids they let caustic solutions and all kinds
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of poisons go and cite drugs in the waters to camps on the verge of drinking and no clean food supply for them to know by now if those are my children in here to scare food with a lot more contact in the ok. kid you can't take it again say it when there's been this now this is a problem the uniform no this no this is the one that had the signs kid where i hear. the learn to kill me and it looked like a rattle in the slash face i got it to a murder. only hopefully we'll have a war. gallows kill them legal ones have a lot of red in her womb or yeah that means i don't care for anything red and blue i think you may have wound them through her focus group cast the chance to grow to be born knowing that the mean man with ransom was muumuu last final new man longing
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for ok and this then last night. and guy's a psycho will incite them some loner will stay on they come out of it like he says around and do nothing all day long and her rifle room sexually harassing her. sex. then you are right there was no starker well then there's a psycho level looney thing in one tick that lives are ways around that you're not here so no. room to room but i meant average as a guy was bollinger one i just don't like. people who take advantage of low pay. when he was taking advantage of a story. she did for good there she just adopted me as her fiance and i've been her fiance or since. that's been nine years ago we did i started to like her as a person and i start to understand her who she is right here and her. mental
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illness with the collection of tray a she she has storage is full of cash like three different ones just completely piled up that she pay every month nothing but. but that's who she is and i take her just who for who she is and that's why she loves me and i love her for that except for that i guess that's how i get my blessings from god. you know because in the beginning was like truly i would defend her with my life you believe that i'll die behind this will lead you right here. to. life and. life is a conundrum to be. so story and everybody down who knows that if they bother her today they're going to have to deal with me so they basically don't bother her at all. they hate that she cares all the chairs. for
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us to see life. richard be a long time to people why you'll get her off the street or why you don't know she won't she doesn't want that see people understand she you have to let them be who they are when she's ready to go inside she'll bortsov you she wants to live almost should you have to let her live her slots or should i say live on the street even though she has of course. she's a trail like linus there were she go. through even though his mother's will send the money he she gave him he's been on drugs and these people giving one drug no one else to buy more they keep psyching him. and he almost finished a psychology course in which. medical school it cracked like an end up so bad. and now i see that one back to medical school even though he has pancreatic cancer which is really. she is a lot of cars real lot of grief. and ok well we have family. paying for
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a lot. well . this is. i was sleeping on. a blanket. real close friends. sometimes. sleep. sometimes inside it reminds me of why the hell out of there at the sixteen. i tried to have my so committed to a hospital because i wasn't connecting with other people and healthy way i didn't feel connected to anything i remember feeling very depressed and.
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save the world to myself you know. if i go in at sixteen i never have to come back out again but they would accept me. they would be. you know i ran away from home at seventeen years old and i actually had a job paid. school. and. had my daughter my first twenty two. my last honor. their father divorced me at that point i mean. there was nothing. healthy about. everything with the stored it. was so restless. oh how i did that i don't know how i raised those three girls like that.
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when he said that my father passed away that hurt me really bad i lost everyone in my life that i cared about they're gone and then happen i came askin well. i developed a real bad trying to contain it came here. and i really didn't and never thought about it i just know when you are wrong doing roman doing your most vocal nets well that's what i was going to do. but. that's what i wanted at that time a nice remember saying to myself in my city how long i'm now in keep doing what i'm doing is going to happen because i just knew i was a little from glad as to say enjoy it and maybe down syndrome. road is very good to me scare me say oh is used down here i'll bring through most turbulent times now the. jews and their situation is too short a mud dish it is
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a drug addiction crack cocaine also addicted to lifestyle of downtown oh we're. no one judge a small. group in compton raj or seven one four stars three years old. people forced to have horses in the backyard but they've never oh i just are going to be forced to take them out no go but god didn't write this if you. will i do watch out for the right words i do like to stand to the old old why you like it so but what you did. before when they they spark me yeah that's what i want to know too that i like the smell of feel of it and they sparkle like a baseball awarded to soar. yes in all our voices they support me just saying what my dream would be to live on the ranch. be were horses. just
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be around smell welcome ride a baby. teach people about. the horses i believe that. there's no you know if you're going to pick a city after the rest of so many people you know if i left i. used to get by the wall of wall people up and down a whole block and you could hardly walk up and down the street cars could be a valid after being gone or everybody's either in jail or they all went to santa monica or venice or hollywood or somewhere else we don't need more jails but if moments all institutions will lead more doctors to come down here so the more people pascale sandwiches that's what we really need we need more understanding we need the awareness that we're not told troi gothics three. things impact our central nervous system the environment that we grow up in and that we live in
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our d.n.a. basically what we're born with our genes and drugs. don't mean is the reward neurotransmitter i mean it's what you see in the leases from our brain cells when we are sexually aroused when we smell something good we'd like to be when. we smoke crack the brain of a schizo phrenic person country to unmedicated is a wash with dope on me more cells in the brain of a person that doesn't. the scripture frank brain cannot filter out the noises the heat. the vibrations the other people talking to you it's all coming in at once so the medications that we give people for schizophrenia reduce the don't for me unfortunately they reduce it too much
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and they feel good in some states don't get to feel pleasure any more. these folks wake up every morning and have to face another day being a stigmatized marginal person in the world and have to make decisions about using street drugs or using prescribed drugs. street drugs or easier to get them prescribe drugs street drugs feel better prescribe drugs don't particularly feel better in their hands everywhere is mentally ill people there's always a major amount of drugs because we need them there it's our medication if we self medicate so be it how else we can do it what else would you like me to do i can't even get my mom would answer the telephone what am i supposed to do to get my medication so get drugs soup on the street be who i am trying to make it.
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ok to go to jail the price is the only industry specifically mentioned in the constitution and. that's because a free and open press is critical to our democracy trek albus. role. in fact the single biggest threat facing our nation today is the corporate takeover of our government and our crafts to mco we've been hijacked like handful of transnational corporations that will profit by destroying what our founding fathers one school class i'm tom hartman and on this show we reveal the big picture of why . actually going all around the world we go beyond identifying the problem. rational debate real discussion critical issues facing. you ready to join the movement then welcome to it.
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this is what you. know. we can be deliberate seems to be running out of steam as well as the oil coal gas water. we supply this energy crisis such as this we america obama is wise and more such is multiplied. the next old pipeline to be precise three.
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airports in crimea. ukraine government. groups but the region is refusing to acknowledge the new power. and capital itself freo spread so as right wing radicals get their hands on guns refuse to. use scare tactics to get their way. in detention. after a young man dies in police cars. that is family saying that he was tortured. and left out in the cold to millions in europe who are struggling without a home as the house is that could accommodate allowed to stand up to.
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the latest world headlines a live from moscow it's on t international with me rule reese to shy from everybody here welcome to the program an airport alert in crimea and southern ukraine where local militia are on high alert for an influx of armed groups from kiev and the region where over half of the population is russian is refusing to accept the power of the self-appointed government in the capital emotions are running high with crimea and even considering breaking away you've got a piss going off now with more on what forms that the self-defense movement that is now taking root in the region. it all happened quite suddenly in the middle of the night a group of unidentified men entered the airport here in the crimean capital didn't make any threats or demands searched the airport and then the left as quickly and
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suddenly as arrived and reportedly they were looking for troops who they thought had been sent here from kiev they didn't find anyone and the less clear who exactly these people are they were carrying russian flags and presumably they could be among the so-called self-defense squad along with the same pro russian activists who the previous night got into the local problem of here and raised the russian flag on its roof however they did allow the deputies inside and they were able to work properly throughout the day of freeing the prime minister of the republic from his duties dispersing the government appointing a new prime minister was known for his pro russian views and. setting a date for a referendum here in this republic to decide whether or not the crimea should stay with the ukraine or move away from kiev now at the same time the new authorities in kiev have been saying that here local authorities in the crimea have no legal rights to hold any type of independent referendums under the new laws that they've
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just passed recently but ironically the date of the referendum that the crimean want to hold is the same day the authorities in kiev are planning to hold the nationwide presidential election so the gap between the east and the west of the train is clearly increasing now and many are saying that some of the new laws passed by the new authorities in kiev are not making the situation any better they met in the grammy and are now building a family here as mother is ukrainian but all the relatives on his father's side are from russia ones that she is an ethnic russian from she claims to have left when her native language became oppressed and what it does now she is the language you speak the more you can learn and comprehend i want my child to be able to learn all of them without any restrictions but then you authorities in kiev for the nationalist presence among them seem to disagree one of the first things they did
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after storming to power was cancel russian as the second official language in regions where ethnic russians make up the majority causing confusion even among local civil servants but. most of the people who come here are russian speakers some don't even understand ukrainian not to mention legal terms how can they read and understand documents surveys indicate that an absolute majority of crimean speak russian as their main language but many are now practically forced to be taught in schools attend court or even get medical prescriptions in ukrainian. patients speaks only russian what should the doctor do given that prescription and ukrainian not only won't these laws work they're lonely aggravate the situation. aggravation which is far to the north here in the crimea for the past few days now pro russian activists have been gathering in the center of the crimean capital protesting against the new authorities in kiev and their policies and saying they are ready to protect their national identity everything that is seen as russian in
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any way is under assault so just by virtue of the need for self defense one can see why crimea and other parts of eastern ukraine are moving ever closer to moscow as plans to hold a nationwide early presidential election in late may crimean authorities have now decided to hold a different vote on the same be a referendum on the republic separating from ukraine altogether. crimea meanwhile in ukraine's capital the new cabinet has been sworn in let's match some of the names to faces for you here on r.t. international the deputy prime minister also happening to be the second in command of the ultra rights for board a party notorious for rhetoric that often includes nazi like anti semitic slogans also from. the minister is known for promoting access to firearms but not for having any expertise in a college you do new national security secretary actually the founder of the ultra
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right party also took part in the orange revolution in ukraine a decade ago and the education minister has in the past promoted academic censorship and is also a member of another far right party all of that while the new anti corruption bureau chief is a supporter of the radical right national defense of ukraine party and then the interior minister spent some time on interpol's wanted list and was briefly detained in italy and twenty twelve accused of stealing half a million dollars worth of state law. now as the new or thora to settle in kiev what had been a revolutionary enthusiasm on the streets is turning into anxiety radicals who got their hands on firearms during the uprising have appointed themselves to control and are dispensing their own brand of enforcement as a renegotiate reports. this was supposed to be a step towards a brighter future. yeah but now it's heading in
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a different direction. no one tells us when to bear arms and when not to you didn't give the orders and you won't take them away you want to take my gun but you want to take away my right for the birth of the what you want to take away my nineteen you come here and take it very same man who happens to be one of the leaders of the group that no one has the right sector who will be seeing some we're going to hear his words with actions. yes. yes. yes so who is your employer genius yesterday. it was called the only. other thought they'd give me any just were you don't know me just so you don't mind if they give each to do it that given. the. right sector the militant arm of the might don has taken over two floors in kiev's central hotel artie's crew caught
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them breaking into not by the room you heard their attention don't create problems for yourself right know you're inside there there are with your arms in the air this is a simple check of identification we will get inside one way or the other don't be afraid and this in the town of iran from call of sc the tree draped with hanging nooses and to sign that reads traitors of ukraine who thought specified who the traders are in today's ukraine many can fit the bill former officials police russians jews anyone associated with the former ruling party of the regions instilling fear is now a tactic for those who claimed to be peacefully demonstrating put in a critical forms in a ghost hunting. and ukraine some battle president is now reportedly in the southern russian city of. local media saying his plane landed there flanked by fighter jets earlier the acid leader gave
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a statement saying he still considers himself the country's legitimate president he asked russia for protection from what he called extremists and said the decisions made by the new parliament in kiev are illegitimate you also claim he'll do anything it takes to get ukraine out of this political crisis which reportedly planning a news conference later on friday do stay with us for that here or not see international . in the meantime though nato is in a spin over snap military drills being staged by russia b. alliance is concerned that the maneuvers may be sending the wrong message with ukraine crumbling on russia's doorstep that's my motto has been following the reaction joining us now here live in the studio to talk about the headlines more around the world you've been seeing it you've been in the thick of it you know what . it's understandable if people at home are watching this and thinking what is going on in the rest of the world i want to take a look at some of these headlines that are going around things like you know russia flexes its military muscle putin orders the military readiness and u.s.
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warns russia not to intervene if you're watching all these headlines at home you might think what is going on is a start of world war three well in all of this mess what's worse is not just you know the media who are going crazy over these headlines but it's also made surprising enough now the alliances that russia is holding military exercises now is being provocative they're being irresponsible and according to some of its members even dangerous now a series of charges by any measure except one that major and its members don't take very seriously when it comes to their early war games in fact nato drills often appear to be as much a political message as a matter of readiness and you certainly don't have to look back for examples now let's take a look at this method you're seeing right now in two thousand and twelve at the height of the u.s. of iran u.s. nuclear program standoff washington stage what was its biggest ever neighbor wall
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games now almost within view distance from iranian beaches now the next year the u. was invited forty one other nations battleships aircraft carriers and submarines to play pretend war only runs doorstep last november as china and japan version armed conflict over disputed islands that the u.s. launches an all drills with turkey one that by pure coincidence says washington syria lated an island can. you know let's not forget the us a nuclear bomb is flying through airspace that china controversially claimed as its own that was also by the way described as an unrelated if force exercise in korea with nuclear rhetoric between the south and north was at fever pitch it was the u.s. who put its contingent be on alert and again held drills aimed at firstly countering nor the real aggression now these examples and to all of us you know just from the past few years so perhaps nato surrounds
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rasmussen and you know u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel may want to take a step back because at least russia is doing their own military drills in their own country while we all know they haven't we are certainly many people saying that you know what's going on with russian history is an internal affair compared to what you describe as multiple eckstein or affairs or it's about i must say thank you very much for that indeed we'll see you soon now russia's military drills were preplanned they have nothing to do with the events in ukraine but is what the foreign minister sergei lavrov told the american counterpart john kerry the two are discussing possible solutions to ukraine's crisis in a telephone call both stressing the need for calm now run a braun from germany's no to nato movement says the alliance sees the turmoil in ukraine as an opportunity to expand and that it will only result in more destruction as it always has in the past so you know for me the main point is.
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they didn't want to acknowledge who crane and i think this is they gave the political social or just dog. so i came on the. action but on the other side you have such a date with the creation looking into the history. and looking. then the new one comes to gauge what ever this is really just going to be. you can get a full briefing on the unfolding crisis in ukraine from how it started to how it might and we've got a dedicated online team gathering information as it comes to light it's available for you right now dot com. thanks so much for joining us here on r.t. international much more news right after the break.
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revolution impending economic collapse in separatism these are only a few words to describe ukraine today the western backed coup de camp has shown the country into chaos can any good be expected from a so-called national unity government appointed by a. choose your language. we can't we know if you're going to. choose to use the consensus you can. choose the opinions that degrade to. choose the stories to. choose the access to.
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thanks for joining us here on r.t. international officially there are more than four million homeless people all across the european union now there are houses they could live in but as a boy reports many of the vacant properties that could accommodate them are often investment shells for society's richest just to poc than money. the guardian investigation has revealed that there are eleven million empty homes across europe enough to house the e.u.'s homeless more than twice over in some cases these are houses that have been purchased or inherited where owners simply don't have the funds to fix them back up but often the more valuable london properties have been
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bought by investors wishing to park their money in a safe place it's house banking this is property banking all they've done is said let's buy a huge house in mayfair for multi-millions of pounds because whatever happens where the market goes up or down or round whatever in time it's going to hold its value and will probably increase people might say well it's my right to do what i like that with the rights come responsibilities there's a dire shortage of affordable housing across the u.k. and europe experts say that even on blocking the empties worth millions of pounds would through a ripple effect make more available further down the housing ladder macdonald is editor of inside housing magazine which is aimed at landlords of social housing so that from the point of view of our readers and said hosing the exists to provide properties for people who are among the poorest and most vulnerable in u.k. society of course they frustration then when they see hundreds of thousands of
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empty homes across the u.k. is. obviously being used to host some of these individuals to help ease the shortage of affordable coalition across the country it's a picture that's repeated across the continent two million empty in both france and italy one point eight million in germany but the west offender is space and with more than three point four million homes lying vacant. back in london mayor boris johnson is now urging local councils to impose an extra one hundred fifty percent tax on houses that haven't been lived in or rented out in over two years but critics say that's not enough of a disincentive boarded up homes have become a familiar sight and they're even changing the face of london's swank yes neighborhoods there are four empty homes for every single homeless family in this country across europe that's about two houses for everyone i mean it's family
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personally i do think it's a scandal this should be a residential area but at night time it's solace it's demoralizing there's nobody here is bank and dark properties deserved to be lived in. london and the director of a group that fights for the rights of europe's homeless told us here at r.t. international that governments must be more proactive in making shelter available easy to just the four million homeless people in the european union in half of the eleven million and the floods often we hear from governments from local authorities that they cannot solve the homeless problem because of lack of housing options i think that's a little bit of a false uncertainties different kinds of empty property this empty property that is empty because of for reasons of speculation i think the government can maybe think of levy sort increasingly to. not to keep the property. that is emptiness because empty property because small landlords. have property that is
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not up to standard and then they'll have the money or the energy to put it up to standard to put it on the market maybe the government can provide some subsidies. to help them doing that so that is quite a number of possibilities. so guess who's got their hands on some source screen shots all without computer users knowledge g c h q that's how it's been intercepting the web images from millions of yahoo customers including some pretty private material stories coming your way shortly. as is israel's organized crime thriving as police find their hands tied in trying to battle it details on you stay with us if you can here on r.t. in. just twenty minutes past the hour here in moscow police have quashed yet another antigovernment protest this time of accusations
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that a detainee was tortured to death the twenty three year old man at the center of the route died in custody while being held on suspicion of smuggling weapons campaigners claim he was refused a vital medical treatment something the author of he's denying. he described to us what it's like serving time. according to what we heard from so many different victims the people whenever they get arrested they would be subject. they would be blindfolded for days they would be put in. they would they would feed. every kind of torture that no one could imagine me as a victim of torture and. served my time then i know what it means to be in the earth and i know what it's. for me because i care so. you will be leaving you and to your last breaths and then when once you are taken to the hospital it doesn't mean that you will get that to beat them and. it has been more
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than three years since government protests began in bahrain with human rights reform at the very heart of all the demands in that time more than one hundred people are being killed doctors it's accusing the government of waging a relentless crackdown authorities insist they have already made enough concessions international human rights groups are for peter to be criticized the country's record on liberty. now if you thought that evening video chat with your loved ones was really private think again britain's g c h q has been exposed for collecting web cam images from almost two million clients of internet giant yahoo including a raft of sexually explicit content in fact up to eleven percent of the pictures harvested could be considered x. rated the optic nerve program was an experiment in automated facial recognition and
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it was aimed not just at existing targets but at every one investigative journalist tony gosling believes juicy h.q. may just as well make itself right at home in your living room. well this is got nothing to do counterterrorism has it because this is just yet another great day to trawl but there are very good reasons why this the people who have committed this actually should be or are criminals i'm talking about those that have authorized government level and n.g.c. h.q. and the individual operators who are collecting this data we've heard about spyware being put on viruses being put on our computers our computers being stopped on the way to our homes to have spyware this kind of thing put on it we've also had denial of service attacks but this is actually the most creepy so far i think getting into these webcams is it's like an intruder in your living room and it's not just happening to people who are counterterrorism it's this is everybody they're after here two million users. if you've ever wondered what goes on behind the closed doors of the u.s.
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supremes court want to know more here's a firsthand look. video proceedings made public. for that full story right. and what almost thirteen percent of people worldwide a starving it seems we throw away about a third of the food we produce that's according to an alarming report we'll tell you all about on line. before we get to the wild update for now america is being rounded on by europe for its deadly drone strikes in pakistan and afghanistan the e.u. parliament passed a resolution condemning the use of unmanned craft but former pentagon official michael maloof thinks it will do very little to put the u.s. off from using its weapon of choice the resolution i think reflects the will of a lot of lot of folks around the world on the use of drones because of so many innocent people have been killed the reality is that drone strikes are going to
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continue it really the use of drones is really going to be the new six generation type of warfare that the united states instigated and is she hated and and we're seeing other countries quickly adapting. adopting that in that process and i don't think it's going to diminish at all i think it's going to require being much more selective in the use of drones and and where they can be used. all right some of the international headlines very quickly at least fifteen people reportedly injured as national guard officers deployed to gas against protesters in venezuela hundreds of students marching through caracas demanding an end to excessive force on the release of on two government demonstrators jailed in recent weeks thousands of pro-government supporters also rallied in the city celebrating a new holiday in honor of the late president hugo chavez. workers have staged fresh protests in the capital of cyprus over government plans to privatized state
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utilities around two hundred police officers deployed to iraq barricades right outside parliament will make use of discussing selling electricity and telecom to raise one point four billion euros to fund the e.u. used bailout. fifteen people have died in thailand after the bus they were traveling in careened off a road and hit a truck most of the victims were students thirty other people were injured when the vehicle went around went out of control i should say and i was on a downhill road investigators suspecting faulty brakes police are now looking for the driver who did flee the scene. now israel's conflict with the palestinians takes up the lion's share of its security efforts and it's claimed though that it's allowing criminals to flourish and the accusation is that police are failing to deal with homegrown crime lords operating on israeli streets and calls to use anti
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terror methods to tackle them or simply being pushed aside paula is in tel aviv. another car explodes in the heart of tel aviv a familiar terror to the israeli public but this time the horror is from within and the police on the eyes in need of i've taken off my gloves i'm going with all my tools just like against the terrorists except this time the minister is not talking about palestinian terror he's taking on israel's crime lords they fight because of money they fight because of control they want power well they fight for field of interest they have their soldiers in less than six months ten car bombs have exploded in israeli cities the last week in the first week of february it's a gang war fueled by money weapons turf and plenty of ego and its recent surge is believed to have been caused by explosives and weapons stolen from the i.d.f. as well as
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a lack of support for the police unlike the military which has an outrageously large budget israel's police services barely receives enough to cover salaries and the minister tossed with making sure the police can do their job is frustrated he's urging his government to give israel security services the same powers to deal with criminal warlords that they have to fight terror on this exact spot twelve hours ago a crime load was gunned down in broad daylight. administrative detention or expulsions are tools israel security services i don't know you have those who say i will hurt human rights and i say no i'm all for human rights but i have to protect the citizens before protect the criminals. good luck charm or is one of israel's leading crime reporters he's been following the major players for years carries the anarchy of the street and that is because the people there were used to be like varied ranking be hired the fourth ranking about are now doing what they want with
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what they want because their bosses are in prison among the first on a crime scene gilad sees just. how much police are struggling to get a grip on the situation of police has a lot of technology to fight with organized crime but the people who do the crime where you know very simple measure they meet each other in quiet places they don't use the internet be don't use their phones so now the police has to work in another way but the government says it's not willing to give the police more powers at least not for now which means scenes like this will continue as well demands to make israel cities criminal free policy r t tel aviv so what's the whole crisis really about in ukraine could ukraine just be a pawn in a wider global game of geopolitics many are saying that is the case crosstalk attacks that in just a moment. transit
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route to vnukovo report your best way to the heart of mosco. minnesota vikings football player jared allen like many pro athlete stereotypes is actually doing something for society with this n.f.l. fame and fortune he is providing homes for turning wounded u.s. veterans good job mr allen generally for some reason wealthy people don't do much
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to help other people besides giving money to charity to get some sort of tax break kickback the thing they don't realize that helping other people out is actually in the best interest of rich guys too if they would ever just stop to think about it a little more so mega wealthy that you could live in total isolation you're going to have to deal with the rest of the people in your country and the better off that average guy is the less likely he's going to need to steal from you to get by ellen's work is fantastic because it gets veterans out of a desperate situation returning home wounded trying to struggle to find work in a bad economy and treat their wounds in a massively over expensive medical system here ellis point is a drop in the bucket for the over twenty million american servicemen who have come back home but it shows that a wounded veteran with a place to live as a much better chance at a good life and the fewer vets there are living under a bridge the better society will be but that's just my opinion. wealthy british style. time.
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markets. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike's cause or a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to the report. hello and welcome to crossfire for all things are considered i'm peter lavelle revolution impending economic collapse and separatism these are only a few words to describe ukraine today the western backed coup in care and soon the country into chaos can any good be expected from
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a so-called national unity government appointed by a mob. to cross-talk the political crisis in ukraine i'm joined by my guest daniel make out in washington he is the executive director of the ron paul institute also in washington we have james carafano he is the heritage foundation's vice president as well as a leading expert in national security and foreign policy and in paris we cross to jog he is a former french presidential candidate and president of the solidarity and progressive party our gentleman roles in fact that means you can jump in anytime you want and i very much encourage it daniel fine go to you first victoria nuland happy right now . well she got everything she got her yachts. klipsch is on the sideline in good old tiny is in the background else so it looks like everything went according to plan the un has yet to glue it but it looks like it's glued
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itself ok james i was very quickly response there daniel james how do you see this i mean a regime change almost almost to the word to be the dotted line all the t.'s were colonized dotted this is just the first step in a very uncertain future so. this isn't so i thought you were to action was was really heavily politically loaded you know first of all to say it's western backed i mean i actually think the west is kind of salivate to open it but if you show you new zealand saying to her i didn't say you're not constitutional let's not let i'm not a constitutional lawyer but. i was mentally that's meddling that telephone call kind of conversation is absolutely meddling and that's why i started the program that way there is no it's not meddling look there's a difference between standing there looking stupid and saying things on phones and waving and backing i don't i don't think anybody back this i mean i think this i mean i think that the russians back to the thing i think the americans back to anything i think this is a lot of ukrainians driving the train here and i think we have to start by saying
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this is a whatever side you're on however they just want to turn out this is largely an internally driven issue and whether it's a coup or not i think that's a we need to get a constitutional lawyer on here ok ok i mean i'm not a constitutional lawyer but i can read the constitution and well the impeachment process was illegal there's a unity government how it was put together was illegal it's certainly not part of the constitution i mean what are they what you them i don and they said ok here's a name cheer i mean that sounds like. a roman circus to me how do you see this thing playing out because we will talk about separatism in a little bit ok go ahead you know why he sees road junctions. there are and we go to bed groups. victoria nuland has encouraged them to roam around they have been given money by british and american services so there is the stability of hugh grant aiming at russia direct at russia and why is that because
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these anglo-american interests know that the economic and financial international system is rich in an end so they have to move to the east to loot more territory to loot more operations so that's a main reason of what happened in ukraine it's steered from abroad inside ukraine you have these disaster these economic disaster the only gods are have been stealing money all the time there has been a kind of permanent complicity between the oligarchs. interests abroad and there is no contrary there is no law in the new constitution is a piece of nothing because it has been imposed by a parliament parking garage only charge your brother for a lot of times you got about ten points go through a few of them there daniel one of the things and reading western media coverage of what's going on in ukraine is something that is mentioned here is that it seems to
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be very a great hesitation to talk about some of these groups and their backgrounds ok the right sector. these these are these are very anti-semitic protocol fascist i mean some of the imagery that has come off of the my done at least some of these people are armed and they certainly are armed now ok there's a there seems to be this hesitation to look too deep into the opposition or what i call the rioters. well you know there are so many similarities between what's happening in ukraine and what's been happening in syria over the past couple of years on one hand you have the al qaida affiliates in syria establishing facts on the ground but you also have and you have the certainly in ukraine and you had in egypt you have a class of liberals in the country that have been the beneficiaries of usa idea systems and training their soros foundation has been operating in ukraine since one thousand nine hundred ninety he's taken some credit for for these people so on the
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one hand you have the liberals who are doing the thinking and then you have the thugs on the street same in egypt same in syria same in ukraine i think the u.s. might be saving money by just using the same plan for each of these countries ok james one of the things that's very dire here i mean we can talk about legitimacy illegitimacy will go on and on about that but the niceties are a niceties of what's going on ukraine is impending default and that is extremely serious the country is running out of money very very quickly i find it very interesting and finish my point here is that victoria nuland is said to be publicly confided on you tube that the united states has invested five billion dollars in regime change or to change things in ukraine it's put it that way and then we have secretary kerry is going to pony up with a billion dollars to help the economy i mean it's interesting there's been a lot of money to change the regime but now they're not going to put much money up to stabilize to redeem the new regime. well i mean look we disagree on
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a lot of things but we all agree on the core issue which is ukraine is a mess it's largely a mess because you've had very corrupt leadership on all sides and it's hard to find it really is hard to find good guys ok i agree with you on that point when we set a precedent and we agreed on that point going keep going james please you. know no i. but i but i don't much more money than you want to know ok well look i think you know you know the favorite he has been good i mean here in caracas. but i think we should make it clear to our viewers that the the leadership or lack of leadership of mr unocal which was corrupt but i can't think of one major politician in ukraine that hasn't been truly truly corrupt so let's not put you know point certain corruption on more or less on one leader all of them failed their people and i think james and i would agree on that point james i want you in fairness i want you to finish your point go ahead i want to go ahead no i the only
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thing i was going to say is but you know somehow that saying the that what's going on with your creator is a deliberate strategy driven by the west look you know i've been i've been watching these guys since day one their depth of knowledge and interest in ukraine is what they see on c.n.n. let me look at the european union half of the european union could care less about the ukraine than half of them would just wish the whole thing would go away and in the united states look it's hard to get a reporter to even call me about this issue so the notion that our government is deeply invested in what's going on the ukraine that's just the same so i need to be there is the evidence is there in this telephone conversation you can't deny you can't make it go away it's there and as we started out the program of what she said on the telephone conversation has played out almost perfectly shocking and periscope please jump in you want to say something go ahead. yeah that ukraine has been looted and these have been looted by this one regards so these dogs are
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fighting each other and the west and i mean the west the american and the british service is manly and these wall street london league okey has now. endorsed fully endorsed the brzezinski strategy of not only stopping the russia but trying to go ahead against russia and even henry kissinger has had to say that putin is ride to feel that there is. an intention for a regime change in russia that started with ukraine so you we are playing with fire because on one side of the nato strategy the nato strategy military strategy now is based on a first strike and it's known and on the russian side they are also based on a first strike because they have lost the capacity of a ground army so you have
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a two sides first strike doctrine and the confrontation in ukraine this is an immediate danger for a situation of world war three of a cuban missile crisis but this time the president of united states it's not john fitzgerald kennedy is barack obama that's another story ok daniel when i get like i'm surprised i'm going to agree with james on this program because we usually don't but he's right you know i mean whatever people are told about ukraine in the united states may be neither here nor there unfortunately i find it devastating that it's still framed in a cold war attitude but you know going as with daniel here ukraine is one russia's border and there are millions of russians in ukraine there are millions of russian speakers there is a very important issue to russia the u.s. continues to accuse russia of having a cold war mentality because of their. nervousness about what's happening on their border look today the nato secretary general was meeting with ukrainian officials
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talking about closer cooperation with nato but the u.s. accuses russia of having a cold war mentality why is it not a cold war mentality of the u.s. to push russia to nato its doorstep and for the other point that your other guest made this is the typical neo-con response they've put in money for years and years to have regime change they put in millions of dollars for the orange revolution that turned to be that turned out badly they put billions of dollars into this revolution and then when it's done when it's said and done this step back and say oh we had nothing to do with it it's all the people on the streets they set this up from the beginning they paid for it they train these people this is a u.s. operation anyone who doesn't see that is just simply doesn't want to all right gentlemen on that point we're going to go to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on ukraine staying with our team.
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transit route to vnukovo report you'll best way to the heart of mosco. i marinate join me. in that impartial and financial reporting commentary
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interview and much much. only on bombast and on. world. science technology innovation all the list of elements from around russia we've got the future are covered. choose your language. kill it we kill it oh if you're going to kill some of. the fumes get consensus to. change the opinions that immigrate to. choose the stories that impact your life choose me access to your office or.
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please. welcome back to cross talk we're all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the recent developments in ukraine. ok james i'd like to go back to you in washington that we can disagree about the origins of this ok i'm leaning towards daniel side here but let's look at now and let's look forward you know i was brought up if you go into a store and you break something you have to buy it ok now it seems to me that the
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european union and washington they have to buy this because and i'm and i'm i have been to care of many many times i've been to ukraine many times it's a wonderful wonderful country and now it is the a business i mean you know if you can if you want regime change i mean it seems like so many institutions are running to greet this government that it's dupee its gallery is dubious at the very best you could say is the west going to step in and in some estimates it's thirty five billion dollars since this year it'll have to be thirty five billion dollars next year and probably more what's going to happen. you know people might say well i think people like you already have some money to help with so you want the debt relief but look nobody is going to step nobody's going to step in the middle of trying to to. fix the ukrainian problem in the you know as you pointed out there there's no there's and when you look at the political class it's hard to say there are really good guys there and it's hard to see you know and it's really very very difficult. to see what the path forward is and i think syria
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is actually a good model on this i mean you know by and large people are willing to step on the outside and throw a little stone in but nobody's willing to jump in the morass of syria i don't think anybody's going to be really willing to jump in the middle of this either ok so i which kind of you know glenn i'm so scary thought don't you think they're not just scary if this is a western no but if this was a really a western driven you know strategy then the west would have a plan and the west don't have a plan and look at it if you look at this administration the cornerstone of this administration their goal it's been cooperation with russia they wanted the new start treaty they wanted russian help in syria the last thing they wanted was to have an issue like this where they're on the different side of the russians and when there is no easy answer so this this you can say what you want but ukraine is president obama's worst nightmare ok well ukraine is ukraine's worst nightmare right now daniel jump in go ahead and go yes i mean it's just been daniel then i
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mean it doesn't make any sense if it's that it's the worse not if it was wrong and i would have why it's you know it was to ok ok go ahead and paris go ahead. yes why he appointed victoria nuland who served as a principal deputy foreign policy adviser to vice president dick cheney why he appointed her and this woman who religion is judaism and then this woman the concert brought the neo nazis. and the heads of state from but there are that started i mean you have i have pictures in front of me showing some one of those who want to spend the entire hour going doing the positive side you have to the nazi party you thought you had one. terrible it is terrible on again and i have to agree with. not enough of this is covered in western media here and it's quite shocking by the way again you'll. notice he wanted to jump in there i mean i guess i'll disagree with james that mean these plans i mean they do plan these things all
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the time and you know what they go wrong almost all of the time we go through iraq afghanistan we go to libya what's happening in syria right now i mean these plans never work what if the tea party set up tents on the mall in washington they burned down the democratic national committee headquarters they occupied congress they barricaded boehner in his office and they demanded that obama either overturn obamacare or resign what would the u.s. do and would have russian politicians came down in these a camp months and started encouraging them strategizing them intercepted phone calls of how they said the overthrow would go how would the u.s. react nobody wants to think about that here the people who support this you know james what a lot of people are saying that are very critical is going to let me go to james let me go to james in washington you know james what i hear from people and i hear from russians a lot ok but this is just a back door for nato membership and this in nato once we've heard it before they
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want ukraine in the alliance ok how do you react to that because that is one thing that the west gets out of this. if they want to be as warm go ahead james in washington please no on the first point look we had that we had occupied people in occupy you know took over the everything else we didn't have that here because the united states has a healthy civil society and so we resolve the issues ukraine doesn't have a helplessness and so the country melted down. on the issue of nato expansion look this administration has been indifferent to nato expansion they didn't put it on the agenda they don't even like to talk about it they don't care about it and so that is going to happen and if you look at ukraine the ukraine would never qualify as a member of nato right now anyway so it's this is simply a red herring that somehow ukraine is going to join nato that the and that's what this is all about then why is rest missing meeting with ukrainian officials talking about continued cooperation and increased cooperation james we have no intention of
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it we have a mediterranean diet korea the mediterranean. we have a mediterranean dialogue nato dialogues with all the countries in north africa they are going to join nato no. ok in shock. we're going to shock in paris here we heard the words coming out of western capitals that they want to help ukraine but it seems at the time that they need help most with and i'm. expressing my opinion here with a very dubious government right now that has if you look at the people that have been listed it's about thirty percent of parties that were elected in the last till the last parliament here so it's a very minority it's very narrow right now and we haven't even talked about the issue of separatism in the east here i mean again you know it seems lately west supports this but they're not going to follow through how the european union and how the united states could help ukraine when they are killing greece cannot even
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do something for greece the leg of greece down there the counter being destroyed they let the greek economy being destroyed how would tend to help ukraine this is not the issue it's people in the city of london on wall street i mean it's not the whole west it's people faction it is if you rather than wall street who want to keep that power and for that they have to move east and this is why they are doing similar not in terms of what they are exactly doing but it's exactly similar in terms of invention of the move that hitler proceeded it's the same it's this time who's financial interest this time is for comic interest but it's on the same usual . balance is rooted ukraine now the issue for these financial powers in the waste is looking and they go ahead i lying with people that are that represent exactly the opposite of the human rights and democracy ok daniel says
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that that's a very good point but it was. a very good one and here we are you know again you know you take it that we got it daniel in washington i mean one of the things that you know on the ground here. is that i know a lot of i have a lot of friends of the i live here in moscow i have a lot of friends here and they have family in ukraine and eastern ukraine and there is real fear right now and considering the profile high profile people there are good people and that we're protesting i have no problem with that i have a problem with this very narrow leadership and their political coloration that political coloration it neal nazi which is say it and people in the east are terrified of it and they're worried that it's going to come there then we talk about separatism and that is in no one's interest well look you have a mini my dan in crimea right now i have to but it's very interesting to see how the western media treats go ahead daniel how the how the media in the west treats the two different events my dad in kiev they were protesters protesting for
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democracy the many my dan encroach in crimea now they're called government the gunmen have occupied parliament it's nato secretary general rasmussen said today it was dangerous and irresponsible for these people to occupy the parliament it's exactly what they did in kiev a couple of weeks ago when the west was praising the outbreak of democracy so democracy is what the west says it is it has nothing to do with the sacred vote of people in the voting booth ok james what i would define as one of the things that you know what i think it's really going to change here one of the things i think is pretty interesting is that again in looking at coverage of the events in ukraine almost everybody in western media forgot about the orange revolution now that you know you had the protesters in my done you're through the government you had an election then they got disillusioned with the elected government and then you know what mr you know code which came back i mean everybody seems to fit get that why is it what what tells us it won't happen again the same cycle. well there i think you
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get to you know you and i agree too much and you go because i think that this is the window this is you know this is the this is largely the ukrainians fault. they had they have mismanaged their own freedom and you have a corrupt political class and they only break out of this cycle when they actually move on a path of ukrainians taking care of ukrainians and i and i i take the point about the people of crimea and their fears and we ought to be working i mean the only way they're going to move forward it's a process of national reconciliation you know actually i think the closest thing for me here is the glorious revolution of sixteen eighty eight and the key point there is after they threw james the second out of the country they didn't go around and slaughter every catholic in the country they realize that they can only move forward as a nation and they all move forward together and they all move forward in some degree of respect for individual human dignity and human rights and an opportunity for everybody to have a constructive future if the people of ukraine don't decide to do that the then
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we're just going to either sit back and watch a disaster from both sides or people from the west or from russia are going to vienna and that are going to be pretty either ok do you know give you the last word on the program here and where is it going in your mind. well the the u.s. and the west is creating a yugoslavia on steroids in ukraine right now bush was extraordinarily reckless in his foreign policy going to war on lies president obama makes bush look like a piker he's putting us to the brink of a of a nuclear war in iran headed foreign policy things i think are going to go very very badly ok let's keep our fingers crossed gentlemen many thanks to my guests in washington and in paris and thanks to our viewers for watching us here darkie see you next time and remember crosstalk.
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salo some. legal rights. to the. pain of the young girls cam all for of a future harder. between two and three hundred million guns united states so you can act like they're not here and keep kids away from them. the pass' out is a large you know i mean this teaches them a lot of are a responsibility and simply come to pay through the eyes of children if we can't do
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it for our children hope for our future. right from the scene. first strike to use a knife gripping picture. on a reporter's twitter. on instagram. to be a mum. on mom. this is what you adjust your mental tuning fellow children of the industrial revolution we come of age but of age seems to be running out of steam as well as a boil coal gas water cold truth. to be supplied this energy crisis so i just guess we have a recession obama is wise and more such as possible supply just futuristic like
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stick your neck sole pipeline to be precise just to. what's really happening to the global economy. headlines kaiser reports. to build a new. mission to teach.
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only. groups. in crimea. ukraine and government in groups or the region refusing to acknowledge. in the ukrainian capital. refusing to disarm and using scare tactics to get their way. death in detention riot. police custody his family saying that he was tortured. in the cold the millions in europe who are struggling without a home. or allowed to. just
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after twelve o'clock noon on friday here in moscow thanks for joining us on r.t. international. an airport in crimea in southern ukraine where local self-defense groups are worried about a potential influx of squads from kiev the region where over half of the population is russian is refusing to accept the power of the self-appointed government in the capital emotions are running high with crimea even considering breaking away. in what form of the self-defense movement it's taking in the region. it all happened quite suddenly in the middle of the night a group of unidentified men and the airport here in the crimean capital didn't make any threats or demands searched the airport and then the left as quickly and suddenly as i arrived and reportedly they were looking for troops who they thought
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had been sent here from kiev they didn't find anyone and the left not clear who exactly these people are they were carrying russian flags and presumably they could be among the so-called self-defense squad along with the same pro russian activists who the previous night got into the local problem of here and raised the russian flag on its roof however they did allow the deputies inside and they were able to work properly throughout the day freeing the prime minister of the republic from his duties dispersing the government appointing a new prime minister who is known for his pro russian views and setting a date for a referendum here in the top of this republic to decide whether or not the crimea should stay with you crane or move away from kiev now at the same time the new authorities in kiev have been saying that here local authorities in the crimea have no legal rights to hold any type of independent referendums under the new laws that
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they've just passed recently but ironically the date of the referendum that the crimean want to hold is the same day when the authorities in kiev are planning to hold the nationwide presidential election so the gap between the east and the west of train is clearly increasing now and many are saying that some of the new laws passed by the new authorities in kiev are not making the situation any better. they met in the grammy and are now building a family here and on his mother is ukrainian but all the relatives on his father's side are from russia once they see is an ethnic russian from all over she claims to have left what her native language became oppressed and what it doesn't as you know the more languages you speak the more you can learn and comprehend i want my child to be able to learn all of them without any restrictions but the new authorities in kiev where the nationalist presence among them seem to disagree one of the first things they did after storming to power was cancelled russian as the second
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official language in regions where ethnic russians make up the majority causing confusion even among local civil servants but. most of the people who come here are russian speakers some don't even understand ukrainian not to mention legal terms how can they read and understand documents surveys indicate that an absolute majority of grimy and speak russian as their main language but many are now practically forced to be taught in schools attend court or even get medical prescriptions in ukrainian. patients speaks only russian what should the doc to do given that prescription and ukrainian not only won't these laws work they're lonely aggravate the situation. aggravation which is hard to ignore here in the crimea for the past few days now pro russian activists have been gathering in the center of the crimean capital protesting against the new authorities in kiev and their policies and saying they are ready to protect their national identity everything that is seen as russian in any way is under assault so just by virtue of the need
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for self defense one can see why crimea and other parts of eastern ukraine are moving ever closer to moscow as plans to hold a nationwide early presidential election in lead me crimean authorities have now decided to hold a different vote on the scene be a referendum on the republic separating from ukraine altogether. crimea. and meantime in ukraine's capital the new cabinet has been sworn in let's map some faces to the names for you here on r.t. international the deputy prime minister also happens to be the second in command of the ultra rights for board a party notorious for rhetoric that includes a nazi like xenophobia slogans also from the party as the new ecology minister he's known for promoting open access to firearms but not known for having any expertise in a college the new national security secretary actually the founder of the ultra
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right party also took part in the orange revolution a decade ago the education minister has in the past promoted academic censorship and is also a member of another far right party while the new anti corruption bureau chief is a supporter of the radical right national defense of ukraine right there and the interior minister spent some time on interpol's wanted list and was briefly detained in italy and twenty twelve accused of stealing half a million dollars worth of state land. now the opposition government is barely a week old but it's already losing top staff. a former foreign minister and proposed vice premier for euro integration has declined to take up the position he's been earmarked for in a facebook post he listed why among the reasons is that it's largely a trophy job and that he was never even officially invited for the role.
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now is the new us already settled in what had been a revolutionary enthusiasm on the streets is turning into anxiety radicals have got their hands on firearms during the uprising and have appointed themselves in control and at dispensing their own brand of enforcement as r.t. as they were nicholas reports. that this was supposed to be a step towards a brighter future. but now it's heading in a different direction which is the rotten no one tells us when to bear arms and when not to you didn't give them to us and you won't take them away you want to take my gun you want to take away my rifle you want to take away my knife you come here and take it the very same man who happens to be one of the leaders of the group known as the right sector could be seen supplementing his words with actions . yes. yes. you know that. door's yes yes so who is the employer genius right secretary of the militant arm of
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them i don has taken over two floors in kiev's central hotel artie's crew caught them breaking in to knock you by the room your. attention don't create problems for yourself we know you're inside there good are with your arms in the air this is a simple check of identification we will get inside one way or the other don't be afraid and this in a tone of a lot of from called sq the tree draped with hanging nooses and to sign that reads traitors of a. ukraine this is not specified who the traders are in today's ukraine many can fit the bill former officials police russians jews anyone associated with the former ruling party of the regions instilling fear is now a tactic for those who claimed to be peacefully demonstrating producer credit performs in a ghost hunting. now ukraine's embattled president is now reportedly in the southern russian city of ottawa stuff on dawn local media saying his plane landed
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there flanked by fighter jets earlier the ousted leader gave a statement saying he still considers himself the country's legitimate president is asked russia for protection from what he calls extremists and said the decisions are made by the new parliament in kiev illegitimate you also claim he'll do anything it takes to get ukraine out of political crisis or you know which reportedly planning a news conference later on friday. or in the meantime nato is a. military drills being staged by russia the alliance is concerned that the maneuvers may be sending the wrong message with ukraine crumbling on russia's doorstep to try a more serious been following the reaction and certainly the highlighting of headlines are very give us some of the scoop absolutely rory it has been buzzing throughout not only the news television and papers but i'm sure everybody at home is think you what is going on and i want to take
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a look at some of these headlines that been running around across from all kinds of media as a russia flexes its military muscle putin orders military readiness and some even going as was saying you was once russia not to intervene now to someone who's out of the loop you know this could all sound like a plot for a really interesting if not scary world was really moving now what's worse is that it's not just about the media that's kind of creating this scary buzz but it's also a major who's going a little bit against what the what they call a sort of cell phone of the alliance of themselves they say that russia is wholly military exercises now they say it's provocative it's irresponsible and according to some of its members even dangerous now series a serious charge by any measure but except the one that major and its members don't take very seriously is that it comes to their war games now in fact major drills often appear to be as much a political message as a matter of readiness and you certainly don't have to look far as i'm going to show
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you now on this upcoming map if you see this map is clear mapping out how the u.s. because i've been quite vocal about all of this how they've sort of met themselves around two thousand and twelve at the height of the iran u.s. nuclear program stan of washington staged what was its biggest ever label war games almost within viewing distance from iranian beaches and the next year the u.s. invited forty one other nations of the battleships aircraft carriers and submarines she played. pretend a war on iran's doorsteps last november as china and japan version of an armed conflict over disputed islands the us launched its admiral drills with tokyo once that by pure coincidence as washington simulated an island capture now let's not forget the u.s. nuclear bombs flying through airspace that china controversially claimed as its own that was also by the way described as an unrelated exercise why examples come out
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in korea where nuclear rhetoric between the south and the north was at its high is at its fever pitch the u.s. put it its contingent out the on alert and again held drills firstly a country northern aggression now rory all these examples just from the past few yes so perhaps the lead is in the u.s. defense secretary chuck hagel rasmussen you know all of them they could perhaps take a step back and think about where they stand because in terms of russia they at least doing their drills in their own country you talk about our foreign secretaries and other ministers of defense in the u.k. just in the past twenty four hours william hague actually here actually called on russia to foot the bill for ukraine and many western opera. some of these drills have been clearly stated as they've already been planned you know in advance countries have military drills all the time it just happens that ukraine this is what's happening at the moment in ukraine so automatically some western
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media believe that that is something to be scared of and this scaring the rest of the you know everybody else out there because everything there is war coming or at least i must say thank you very very much rory. now russia's military drills were pre-planned as the bag was you're saying they have nothing to do with the events in ukraine that's also what the foreign minister sergei lavrov told his american counterpart john kerry the two discussing possible solutions to ukraine's crisis in a telephone call them both stressing the need for calm that will run to broaden from germany you know to nato movement he says the alliance sees the turmoil in ukraine as an opportunity to expand and that will only result in more destruction as it has in the past. so you know for me the main point is. they didn't want to enlarge two cranes and i think this is they gave the political social and historical interest so i came on the stand a lot of international reaction but on the other side you have such
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a day of creation looking into the history of people playing in the end of the nineteenth and looking to the whole of georgia you know when no one comes gages. is really just going. you can get a full briefing on the unfolding crisis in ukraine from how it started to how it might and we've got a dedicated online team gathering all the information as soon as it comes in it's available for you around the clock at all if you don't go. join me. in park and. terry contribute.
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only on us and. just on a quarter past the hour here in moscow thanks for joining us on r.t. international officially there are more than four million homeless people across
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the european union and there are houses they could live in but now reports many of the vacant properties that could accommodate them often investment shells for society's richest just to park their cash. the guardian investigation has revealed that there are eleven million empty homes across europe enough to house the e.u.'s homeless more than twice over in some cases these are houses that have been purchased or inherited where owners simply don't have the funds to fix them back up but often the more valuable london properties have been bought by investors wishing to park their money in a safe place it's house banking this is property banking all they've done is said let's buy a huge house in mayfair for a multi millions of pounds because whatever happens whether the market goes up or down or round whatever in time it's going to hold its value and will probably
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increase people might say well it's my right to do what i like that with the rights come responsibilities there's a dire shortage of affordable housing across the u.k. and europe experts say that even on blocking the empties worth millions of pounds would through a ripple effect make more available further down the housing ladder macdonald is editor of inside housing magazine which is aimed at landlords of social housing so that from the the point of view of our readers and said jose the exists to provide properties for people who are among the poorest and most vulnerable in u.k. society because they frustration then when they see congress those empty homes across the u.k. is. obviously being used to host some of these individuals to help ease the shortage of affordable quality asian across the country it's a picture that's repeated across the continent two million mt in both france and italy one point eight million in germany but the west offender is space and with
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more than three point four million homes lying vacant. back in london mayor boris johnson is now urging local councils to impose an extra one hundred fifty percent tax on houses that haven't been lived in all rented out years but critics say that's not enough of a disincentive boarded up homes have become a familiar sight and they're even changing the face of london's swank yes neighborhoods there are four empty homes for every single home this family in this country across europe that's about two houses for everyone i mean it's family personally i do think it's a scramble this should be a residential area but at night time it's solace it's demoralizing is mobile here is dying. these properties deserve to be lived in. london we're coming to you live from moscow guess who's got their hands on some
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source the screen shots all without computer users knowledge well britain's you see h.q. that's how it's been intercepting the web cam images from millions of yahoo customers including some pretty private material stories coming your way shortly here on r.t. . also as a story that israel's organized crime thrives as police find their hands are tied in trying to battle it the details coming your way. in the meantime go to bahrain where the police of quashed yet another anti government protest this time of accusations that a detainee was tortured to death the twenty three year old man at the center of the wral died in custody while being held on suspicion of smuggling weapons campaigners claim he was refused a vital medical treatment something authorities deny one former prisoner described to us what it's like serving time ok. according to what we heard from so many
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different victims that those people when ever they get arrested they will be subject to kulish in they will be blindfolded for days they will be put in cold ones they wouldn't they would face. every kind of torture so that no one could imagine me as a victim of. my time then i know what it is to be in growth and i know what to. ask for and we can care. would be leaving you and to your last breaths and then once you are taken to the hospital it doesn't mean that you will get the treatment it has been more than three years since anti-government protests began in bahrain with human rights reform right at the heart of the demands in that time more than one hundred people have been killed activists accusing the government of waging a relentless crackdown is all the time though insisting they already have made enough concessions international human rights groups repeatedly criticizing the
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country's record on liberty. now if you thought that evening video chat with your loved ones was really private i suggest you think again britain's g c h q has been exposed for collecting web cam images from almost two million clients of internet giant yahoo including a raft of sexually explicit content in fact up to eleven percent of the pictures harvested could even be considered x. rated. program was an experiment an automated facial recognition was aimed well not just at existing targets but at everybody investigative journalist tony goldwyn believes g c h q might as well just make itself right at home in your living room. well this is got nothing to do with counterterrorism has it because this is just yet another great day to trawl but there are very good reasons why this the people who have committed this actually should be or are criminals i'm talking about those
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that have authorized government level and n.g.c. h.q. and the individual operators who are collecting this data we've heard about spyware being put on viruses being put on our computers our computers being stopped on the way to our homes to have spyware this kind of thing put on it we've also had denial of service attacks but this is actually the most creepy so far i think getting into these webcams is it's like an intruder in your living room and it's not just happening to people who are counterterrorism it's this is everybody they're after here two million users. to israel now where the conflict with the palestinian takes up the lion's share of its security efforts and its claim that it's allowing criminals to flourish the accusation is that police are failing to deal with homegrown crime lords operating on israeli streets and calls to use and terror methods to tackle them or simply being pushed aside this report from paul asli our internal. and now the car explodes in the heart of tel aviv
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a familiar terror to the israeli public but this time the horror is from within and the police on mobilizing on the level of the i've taken off my gloves i'm going with all my tools just like against the terrorists except this time the minister is not talking about palestinian terror he's taking on israel's crime lords they fight because of money they fight because of control they want power well they fight for field of interest they have their soldiers in less than six months ten car bombs have exploded in israeli cities the last week in the first week of february it's a gang war fueled by money weapons turf and plenty of ego and its recent surge is believed to have been caused by explosives and weapons stolen from the i.d.f. as well as a lack of support for the police unlike the military which has an outrageously large budget israel's police services barely receives enough to cover salaries and
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the minister tossed with making sure the police can do their job is frustrated he's urging his government to give israel security services the same powers to deal with criminal warlords that they have to fight terror on this exact spot twelve hours ago a crime which was gunned down in broad daylight. administrative detention or expulsions or tools israel security service areas don't now you have those who say i will hurt human rights and i say no i'm all for human rights but i have to protect the citizens before protect the criminals. do not share more is one of israel's leading crime reporters he's been following the major players for years there is the anarchy restraint and that is because the people there were used to be like varied raring to be hired the fourth rank you. are now doing what they're what we're here what they want because their bosses are in prison among the first on a crime scene gilad sees just home. much police are struggling to get a grip on the situation but police has
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a lot of technology to fight with organized crime but the people who do the crime where you know very simple measure they meet each other wired perry says they don't use the internet be don't use their phones so now the police has to work in another way but the government says it's not willing to give the police more powers at least not for now which means scenes like this will continue as well demands to make israel cities criminal free policy r t tel aviv it is also international law and from moscow i rule re sushi thanks for joining us stepping aside the air and aid she's on the way to break down the financial headlines in boom bust coming your way on r.t. international.
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transit route to vnukovo report your best way to the heart of most. minnesota vikings football player jared allen like many pro athlete stereotypes is actually doing something for society with us and f.l. fame and fortune he is providing homes for turning wounded u.s. veterans good job mr allan generally for some reason wealthy people don't do much to help other people besides giving money to charity to get some sort of tax break kickback the thing they don't realize that helping other people out is actually in the best interest of rich guys too if they would ever just stop to think about it a little more so mega wealthy that you could live in total isolation you're going to have to deal with the rest of the people in your country and the better off that
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average guy is the less likely he's going to need to steal from you to get by ellen's work is fantastic because it gets veterans out of a desperate situation returning home wounded trying to struggle to find work in a bad economy and treat their wounds in a massively over expensive medical system here ellis point is a drop in the bucket for the over twenty million american servicemen who have come back home but it shows that a wounded veteran with a place to live as a much better chance at a good life and the fewer vets there are living under a bridge the better society will be but that's just my opinion.
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over there i'm marinated this is boom bust and these are the stories that we're tracking for you today. first up we'll bring you part deux of my interview with max kaiser max spoke with me about the fed and echoed mary j. blige a sentiment of no money no problem and then we have technology expert alex daily on today's show he is a senior editor at p.c. research and he gave us his insight into the comcast netflix melee you won't want to miss what he had to say about that deal and finally in today's big deal edward harrison and i are talking india what's next for the world's largest economy we'll tell you it's all coming up but it all starts right now. with.
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our lead story today classism particularly in the microcosm of society that is public air travel now the front of the plane has always been more posh and plush on the back of it but in recent years airlines have put a considerable amount of emphasis on catering to the most affluent of fliers and in the process they've managed to produce a new level of privacy and detachment like we haven't seen since the gilded age true story now for airlines the top twenty percent of customers make up seventy percent of. revenue so there's a lot of money on the line for these big carriers like american airlines emirates singapore and british airways it's just to name a few but today a special treatment it doesn't just start when you put your first foot on the plane it begins to check in now here in the u.s.
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american airlines and united have both developed a script and private rooms at terminals in new york chicago elsewhere there's a couple other places now these rooms they allow for not only speedy check ins but also the ability to jump security lines thanks to hidden doors which elite travelers can enter and exit through i mean talk about being removed from the masses you're going to hit indoors now they offer first class passengers a separate terminal in frankfurt there's a restaurant lounge and dedicated immigration officials and for those who choose to shower private restrooms come with their own little rubber duckies and exclusive plastic souvenir only available to the international jets i mean that's cool having a really fancy duck but at london see if you're airport first class and business flyers they pass swiftly and privately through their own immigration and security screenings but but if god forbid they must wait more than sixty seconds have no fear because hors d'oeuvres and champagne will be provided so so what is this
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outstanding service cost you well a round trip flight on cathay pacific between new york and hong kong costs sixteen hundred dollars in coach seven thousand six hundred dollars in business and one thousand k. in first class but while it's easy to calculate the costs associated with such high flying lifestyles pun intended what's harder to do is compute the side effects of such a disconnect between the haves and the have nots is a really good for society having those who run our companies lead our countries and govern our way of life rarely coming face to face with those whom they claim to serve and how much service does one person really need before it turns into a disservice for society.
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fed chair janet yellen testified in front of the senate banking committee on thursday now the fed said it won't even consider interest rate hikes until unemployment falls below six point five percent but we hit six point six percent unemployment in january and the fed has already begun to taper of asset purchase program quantitative easing also known as that so what is the next move for the fed this is what yellen had to say. six point five percent unemployment is not the committees to finish and of what constitutes full employment six point five we simply meant to be the committee saying look if the unemployment rate is above that we see absolutely no need to consider any possibility of raising rates below that we begin to look more carefully and this we do so of course the unemployment rate is not is sufficient statistic so it looks like the fed's going
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to continue q.e. and wait but is that a good or bad thing well matt kaiser the dynamic host of the kaiser report here on r.t. things moped money means mo problems true story he didn't actually say that i'm paraphrasing now as we discussed the banking system here in the u.s. i started off by asking him about the financial ization of the u.s. economy here's what he had to say. well the term financialization is the trend over the past twenty thirty years the male liberalism trend of turning everything into a financial eyes product all the industries most companies are not really in the thing that they say that they're doing for example general motors is not really in the car business so much as they are in the car lending of money to buy cars through general motors acceptance corporation in the agricultural business more money is made trading agricultural futures than actually growing crops in the
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energy business whether it's enron or others the most money is made trading energy futures and that's where the focus is on it's not on the actual business of drilling and exploiting for energy itself so this is why it's very important for the central banks to keep interest rates near zero percent because most of these companies around the world the s. and p. five hundred are in the financial ization game they're trading to rivet is based on their underlying economic activity and instead of doing the actual think there's no profit margin and growing food there's no profit margin in making cars there's no profit margin in pharmaceuticals there's only profit margin and borrowing money and zero percent speculating wildly if you make a mistake you get bailed out if it's the terms of a winning bet you keep the profits it's heads they went tails everyone else loses that's what financialization is all about as long as interest rates are at zero percent you're going to see that continue at some point interest rates are going to start ticking up and they're going to see that huge ponzi scheme collapse and then it's going to be a stream lee difficult for these corporations to survive going forward and of
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course the central banks that feed them with all this cheap money are going to have a lot of trouble stopping themselves from printing even more money to keep the ponzi scheme going as a last ditch effort and that will drive bitcoin to new all time highs it will drive max climb to new all time highs it will drive gold and silver to new all time highs and that's coming it's in it's baked into the cake so max we have this bretton woods system until nixon close the gold window that was in. one nine hundred seventy one and during that period there were no serious financial crises even though we had a ton of political upheaval at that time but since we've gone to feed our currency we seem to be lurching from one crisis to the next what do you think is going on here well the closing of the gold one zero nine hundred seventy one as you write fully point out is the beginning of a forty year experiment of a world of currency with currencies are referencing each other instead of referencing something that has intrinsic value and in this case it would be gold
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and as a result you have the birth shortly there after the one nine hundred seventy one closing the gold window of derivatives the modern derivatives which really gave it came through chicago the chicago board of options exchange and the option pricing volatility formula is really the rosetta stone of the modern derivatives industry and it's a way to price volatility and this is the basis upon which to rivet is are built and we have now forty years later a situation where this simple derivative or an option the simple bet of an option became an option on an option and then an option on an option on an option and you have these multi layers of options referencing each other referencing currencies that are referencing each other so you end up with this enormous multi hundred trillion dollar paper betting a scheme that encircles the globe or occasionally
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a bank gets into trouble to blows up and unfortunately since capitalism is not respected and that a bad bank this made bad bets is forced to go out of business you have the central banks bailing them out with more of this paper which feeding this global to reduce market even more that the legacy of the two thousand and eight crash was not bank reform it was not any rational accounting it was an increase in the global derivatives stuff you know stuff. piles are a quantity by many trillions of dollars so we're setting the stage for the next huge derivatives melt down and i think that's why people are running into things like crypto currency because they realize in that scenario crypto is going to hold its value gold and silver are going to hold its value max going obviously the newest kid on the block and the best crypto currency of all is going to hold its value but this is we see this on the on the periphery already happening and so when the final. showdown between fear versus real money happens
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it's hard to say exactly when but i think it's two thousand and fourteen is looking like i think the year when feed people finally realize that they've been living in a derivative fantasy world and there's just no way to sustain this kind of faulty accounting any longer max let's turn to bankers here now here's what's going on at j.p. morgan jamie dimon he's sacking tens of thousands of people especially in the mortgage business and he says business is a really really tough because of new regulation so he's replacing people with machines that says solution i mean while the company is paying twenty billion dollars in fines for past misdeeds that's already twenty billion it could go up from there but the board the board mind you they've upped diamond salaries seventy four percent oh and they comply and said just quit after a year on the job only you're on the job to create yesterday what do you think
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about g.m.'s business model i got ask you. well it's funny that jamie dimon would be complaining about regulation because he's never really complied with any and. most every single regulation on the books jamie diamond has violated i mean i was a securities broker for many years i took the series seven exam i studied the securities act of thirty three and thirty four i know the securities industry quite well and i can tell you. an insider that jamie dimon is a is a is a serial securities fraud sister in law breaker but he will go to the government with his friends maybe hank paulson at the member in two thousand and eight or are now they've got janet yellen over in the fed and they've got jack lew in the treasury they'll go down to washington and all say look i know i broke the law but if you prosecute me i'm going to crash the stock market there's no no no extortion yeah that is brilliant he's a he's a brilliant at extortion he's
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a brilliant his business model when you say what you think of his business model i mean his business model of extortion he's a brilliant extortion and i don't know why he's done jail i mean i thought i thought america has a policy against this type of thing in other countries they arrest people and put them into jail for acts of you know what they call terrorism i want to ask you are you surprised that no high level officials at american banks have been prosecuted for misdeeds specifically associated with the housing bubble and financial crisis does this surprise you. well because you have a the government is reliance on their donations for their reelection campaign so there's an on healthy symbiotic relationship between a corrupt banking class and a corrupt government class who feed each other it's a popular see and kleptocracy to further this wealth and income gap to extremes and to set the stage for what we're seeing in these other countries violent people so when it comes to the united states i don't know i should be shocked because you've
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got the same policies in the us that you see in these other countries that are going through violence of peoples they're trying the same thing in the us and the results will be the same so let's not kid ourselves let's not be shocked when we come and we ask ourselves why did why was there a revolution in america don't look any further than the bankers on wall street the city of london max you are fantastic we thank you for your wonderful show your wonderful insight and good luck with max plan we'll be happy to have you back on whenever you can talk about the new developments thank you for your time oh great great to be on that was max kaiser host of the kaiser report here on r.t. . time now for a quick break but stick around because when we return alex daily technology expert and senior editor at casey research sat down with me to talk all things tech you know won't want to miss it then in today's big deal edward harris and i discussed the drama and hopes for india's economy but as we head to a quick break here's
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a look at some of your closing numbers of the bell stick around. transit route to vnukovo report you'll best way to the heart of mosco. as you don't know if you don't pay a car. response to. those everyone in my life that i cared about their golden
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and then it became a skin well. i was a national champion in track and field and also was able to go in qualify for the olympic games. you know nine hundred eighty eight i started to experiment with other drugs at last all the financial means that i. was really on the street. black market here. to break. the trip. well told you my language as well but i will only react to situations i have read
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the reports but i'm like the players i know i will leave them to the state department to comment on your minor player to say. to carry out a car is on the job here no going to. take you no more weasel words. when you made a direct question are you prepared for a change when you when you should be ready for a. critical speech and let him down the freedom to watch. this past week we've talked about the comcast netflix deal but today we have alex daley on the show to give us a much deeper understanding into the world of technology today he's the senior editor of casey's extraordinary technology now that's a newsletter published by casey research and i started my conversation with alex by
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asking him to break down the comcast netflix brouhaha in layman's terms. i don't think the coin is going to go to zero but it's certainly not going to maintain the heights of tad for a long time i think over the next couple of months and years because we'll sort of unwind itself as a consumer technology and really turn into something that's more part of the plumbing of the internet's not something every day that people are going to own and manage and i think the incident with mt gox going down today is a perfect example of just how tenuous and how sort of beta technology this whole thing is still now what about bitcoin as a digital payment class form what do you think of that. well payments the problem with payments is that everybody wants to be insured merchants want to make sure that they're getting legitimate transactions from legitimate consumers credit card serves a really important filtering purpose providing people who only have legitimate accounts to purchase with them they don't have to worry about getting tied up with the stolen funds and issues like that on the consumer side they face an even bigger insurer role you know when target was hacked
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a couple of months ago that could have been very very devastating if they were using a technology like because we'd be looking at something similar to mt gox target would be bankrupt had they only set the big points but credit cards those transactions can actually be unwound there's a credit card company is serving not just a process payments but to ensure or to both sides that transaction that it's good it serves as an intermediary as a counter party to take on some of that risk with bitcoin you don't have that you have peer to peer transactions which means when my money stolen it's gone there is no hope of returning these records to their users maybe somebody will make them whole through a lawsuit or even if the company comes back i highly doubt it. right now alex i want to turn to a telecommunications now i think one of the biggest stories running over the past few days is the deal between comcast and netflix and there are a lot of moving parts here you have cable companies their natural monopoly power media and technology consolidation video content delivery via data play the net neutrality you name it it's
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a part of it now alex can you break down the comcast netflix brouhaha in layman's terms for. sure i'd call it negotiation genius on net flix who's part signing this deal with the timing that they did this isn't something that netflix and comcast have been negotiating for a long time the idea that netflix is traffic is anywhere from ten to thirty percent depending on who you believe of all the bam with that travels over comcast network and yet netflix displaying the same amount to push that traffic into comcast network zero dollars and zero cents that any other random web site on the internet is and so comcast is seeking sort of a tariff pay for all that excess capacity that netflix is using and of course they're going after netflix because they're a competitor directly to comcast for the first time in history two thousand and twelve in two thousand and thirteen sol net cable subscribers in the united states shrink that has never happened before and it's now a worrying trend for these cable companies they can only keep their revenues up by
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increasing the price per household they're able to charge so netflix is a threat and getting some of netflix is revenues the big deal for comcast netflix on the other hand doesn't want to be paying these tariffs so the best thing it could do is agree to pay comcast tariffs in the middle of this big buyout if you don't think this is going to raise ears at the f.c.c. . alex what about net neutrality here isn't comcast trying to discriminate between content providers basically just trying to insert a toll booth in a data stream that is precisely what it's trying to do and netflix is serving as sort poor of a. man so this is a sacrificial lamb and they have the cash they have the clout they have the political. connections to do this to sign this deal with comcast and i believe at the end they're signing this deal with hopes that the f.c.c. and congress who have all really come out in favor of net neutrality for the most part but it never really put anything into place that this will be the thing that
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pushes it over the edge that either they stop this particular merger or they only let this merger go through with net neutrality and i think netflix has made a really calculated political decision to force the net neutrality issue out of the back room out of discussions and into law. with comcast and the time warner cable deal that's another thing that i want to turn to now we're seeing the top two competitor combine do you think the proposed comcast t w c merger is anti competitive. i don't think it's going to be any worse for consumers than it already is but any consumer who's had cable knows that it's already an anti-competitive industry the problem in the industry isn't the size or power of comcast for instance if anything this gives comcast more negotiating power with content providers which could in theory drive down prices content providers have raised their prices faster over the last five years than cable companies have so in fact more of the increases that you're paying are going to the viacom's and did
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news of the world than they are to comcast bottom line so i think comcast is doing this to give itself more negotiating power but it's also going to mean more regulatory scrutiny it's going to be more trouble from the f.c.c. it's going to be more trouble from the f.t.c. focusing on their advertising which has been a theme lately at the trade commission so i think for comcast this doesn't really give them any more pricing power with consumers it just lets them extend the same pricing power they have to a larger set of consumers alternately the real competitive problem in cable lies with the townships and states that regulate hauling fees these cable companies pay for between three and five percent of their revenues to the townships for exclusive monopolies and that is what's limiting competition in a lot of towns and a lot of cities around the world if the f.c.c. were to step in and prevent towns from creating a tax on polling we'd see significantly more competition and we'd see significantly lower rates for consumers as that infrastructure was shared with more than one
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company that actually leads well to my next question now being who are the new natural competitors for comcast t w c. well the natural competitors are definitely those over the top video players time warner cable makes fifty percent fifty one percent of its revenues from telephone and internet services from providing the baby sick infrastructure over which people are using the internet cable is while its largest single source of revenue falling for the wayside in favor of internet has hulu as netflix has h.b.o. go and all these other over the top providers come to service comcast and time warner combined have the big threat of becoming what they call a dumb pipe back this goes back to the one nine hundred eighty s. with the rise of the stupid now work i mean this is a big threat to telecommunications providers on the end when you put the smarts in the hands of the people at the end of a pipe that doesn't really care what's being carried over it it's better for consumers they can switch devices they can switch service providers they can move
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between things more with less friction and ultimately one internet connection becomes substitutable for the next so suddenly. satellite internet of fiberoptics like phiona of local area wireless networks of town ridden networks like the google fiber installation in kansas city there's all kinds of different competitors that can come in and comcast really needs to keep itself differentiated by providing more over its pipe than just internet services. that was alex daly senior editor at casey research time now for today's big deal. hello again in today's big deal edward harrison and myself we're going to discuss india's economy we're talking about saying now india is one of the emerging market economies which morgan stanley dubbed last year part of the fragile five now india
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along with indonesia turkey brazil and south africa these five countries are heavily reliant on foreign capital making them susceptible to reversals in capital flows now this vulnerability came to a head just last june after u.s. fed chairman ben bernanke you said the fed would soon be poised to taper its large scale asset purchase program and india was hit hard and what happened exactly break this down for us i know you know geo international economy and politics give it to me well in this case the economic problems they predated tapering and. then inflation eleven percent record current account deficit fiscal deficit those expect to be five percent five point two percent growth slowing to its worst in a decade and slower consumer demand you can see that in cars would fell for example for six to eight months even before the taper tantrum. and as
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a result the central bank they were lowering interest rates before the taper to occur proud and so that was a big shock when we got the taper tension for the for for and ok now that's really interesting because you know while the currency was already sliding it accelerated and the rupee was hitting all time lows that was day after day i believe exactly so india was in big trouble to say the least a big big big trouble and bad loans. they started once they started to climb in indian banks and the fear was a sudden stop in capital flows into the country much needed flows given its huge current account deficit now last august former i am after chief economist rajaraman john i got it i was so nervous i ventured out and he was appointed head of india's central bank and rashaun was one of the few economists who could reasonably claim to have predicted the global financial crisis that began in two thousand and seven warning in two thousand and five at an annual fed powwow in jackson hole we all
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know about that powwow he said quote financial markets are at present in extremely healthy shape yet it is at such times that excesses typically build up one source of concern as housing prices that are elevated levels around the globe while the techniques and instruments to absorb fluctuations haven't proved there is uncertainty about how they will perform in serious downturn a serious downturn we want to put this do. to me the currency continued for the month after that but then came in the media. to a halt this position and he started to. just his mere presence given what he said about the housing bubble and so forth and it was an instant credibility for the so if you look at the rupee chart in terms of it's going down as we have a chart yeah here we go it goes down and then there's he. and then it stabilizes
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after that that's exactly what came into the into the fold so maybe he just should have kept. going with actually is good because it. came back from being from you know going down down down again and it would stabilize and some people are now comparing him to paul volcker oh wow i mean that's a that's a nice compliment but i guess the real question is is it smooth sailing from here clear skies ahead what do you think i think you know you can't rest on your laurels you know growth is going to weaken. for sure here you've got housing which is kind of slumping inflation is still high you have huge bureaucracy and red tape and the printer is starting up and then you also have a problem with the infrastructure you know there are a lot of power outages and things of that nature that you know keep manufacturing be able to use its full potential so you definitely can't rest on your laurels and from my perspective the biggest lesson here is that you know india is going to say look we you know we don't want current account deficits anymore we want current
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surpluses just like all the other asian countries that had their crises right in one nine hundred ninety s. and that's going to create another problem in terms of another country wanting to have you know trade exports and export the way to prosperity edward well said and i love the tie as always and actually you mentioned you know start ups i want to talk about micro financing in india tear down time we've got i've got to get to that but that's all for now i'm sorry that's all the time we have for now but from all of us here at us thank you for watching the x. time check out. the real con on the road sign to this car skidded at breakneck speed and fell into a ditch and i was thrown out of the car she was like a broken dome it wasn't
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a single piece left i saw if i lived and had a chance to start my life from scratch i would start making goals to help children . come up right after he was born the baby was all in casts. his legs are getting bigger and the ortho cyst get too small so we have to order new ones to his raise money for us as she helps us to get. leg braces five years after my potentially fatal injuries in a car crash i gave birth to my little miss a i think she's my reward for helping all those children who is selling the dollars to buy life for the children.
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this is. the industrial revolution. it seems to be running out of steam as well as the oil coal gas water. supply this energy crisis suggests. obama is wise and more such. like like.
4:00 am
self-defense groups. in crimea concerned that the self-appointed ukrainian government might send in groups in the region refusing to acknowledge new power. in the ukrainian capital itself spread says right wing radicals get their hands on guns refuse to disarm and use scare tactics to get their way. death in detention riots. after a young man dies in police custody his family saying he was tortured. i'd left out in the cold the millions in europe who are struggling without a home as to how we could accommodate are allowed to stand empty.


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